Foxborough Cemeteries

There are more than ten cemeteries in Foxborough. They range from small family burying grounds to community cemeteries covering many acres. There is even a pet cemetery in town.

Cemeteries & Some List Of Interments

  • Brown Cemetery (Also known as Wading River Burial Ground) in South Foxborough

  • Center Cemetery (Also known as Centre Buring Ground) in Foxborough Center

  • Chestnut Street Cemetery (Also known as Payson-Morse Burial Ground)

  • Clapp Burial Ground on Beach Street

  • Cross Street Cemetery

  • East Street Cemetery (Also known as Hodges-Pratt Burial Ground) in East Foxborough

  • Green Street Cemetery (Also known as Sherman Burial Ground)

  • Mill Street Cemetery (Also known as Gethsemane Cemetery)

  • Morse Cemetery (Also known as Boyden Burial Ground) on Cocassett Street - Another list

  • Pet Memorial Park on South Street - Another site

  • Quaker Hill Burial Ground (Also known as Sherman Cemetery)

  • Rock Hill Cemetery & One list of Interments**

  • St. Mary's Cemetery - corner of Mechanic and Chestnut Streets

  • Foxborough State Hospital / Massachusetts Hospital for Dipsomaniacs & Inebriates Cemeteries
  • Stratton Cemetery at Foxborough Country Club grounds

  • Wilbur Burial Ground on Spring Street

  • If you don't know the location of the cemeteries, please visit USGS GNIS and use the search/find feature.
    State: Massachusetts
    County: Norfolk
    Feature Class: Cemetery

    State Hospital Cemetery

    American Insane Asylum History: Giving Names To Numbered Graves*
    "Foxboro State Hospital has two cemeteries, which buried approximately 1,100 former DMH patients in its cemeteries, but they are not on the hospital grounds. They are about 1/8 mile from the hospital. The names and corresponding grave numbers are lost, but the stones do have their DMH number on the back of each numbered marker, so that may help eventually."

    Other Cemetery Restoration Efforts In Massachusetts
    "This is a closed facility. There are two cemeteries for Foxboro State Hospital and they are not on the grounds. The cemeteries are about an 1/8 of a mile from the hospital on Cross Street. One is close to the road and the other is about 125 yards up into the woods. The names and corresponding grave numbers have been lost. There may be 1,100 former DMH clients buried in the two cemeteries. When researching these cemeteries Pat Deegan noticed that each marker has two sets of numbers. The first list the order in which the burial took place. The second number, on the back of the stone, seems to be a DMH client identification number. It would be relatively easy to reconstruct a list of who is buried based on these numbers. A group would have to get special permission from Commissioner Sudders to match numbers with names but once that was done, a complete list could be reconstructed."
    As of August 2011 all known gravesites have been moved.*


    Some Other Places To Look For More Cemetery Information

    (Burials, Transcriptions, Restoration, Photographs, Meanings, Etc.)

    Foxborough's History And Historical Sites

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