Foxborough Genealogy
Some records and links to more information about Foxborough's residents, their families and genealogy, census records, and researching genealogy can be found below.
Census Records
- Massachusetts Slave Census of 1754
- 1790 Census: Town of Foxborough by Peg Buckman (Total Population = 654)
- Image of Foxborough in the 1790 Census
- 1855 Massachusetts Census
- 1865 Massachusetts Census
- Foxborough in the 1800 Census
- Foxborough, Massachusetts at FamilySearch.org's Wiki
- On-line Massachusetts census indexes and images at FamilySearch.org
- Foxborough, Massachusetts 1887-88 City Directory - 1855 Census Of Massachusetts
- Census Records from 1790-1930 at Internet Archive
- 1940 Census At Archives.Gov
- 1940 Foxborough (including Foxborough State Hospital) Census Images
- Armsby, Atherton, Baker, Bates, Belcher, Billings, Boyden, Bradshaw, Carpenter, Clap, Clark, Comee, Comey, Cook, Daniels, Dawson, Day, Deane, Dunbar, Fisher, Forrest, Francies, Freeman, Grover, Guild, Hartshorn, Hartshorne, Hewes, Hodges, Ingraham, Kendall, Kingsbury, Leonard, Mash, Miller, Morse, Pain, Paine, Patten, Payson, Pette, Pettee, Plymton, Pratt, Rhoads, Richardson, Robins, Robinson, Salleys, Sheppard, Sherman, Smith, Straton, Sumner, Thompson, Tifeny, Tilston, Titus,
Warren, Weatherly, White, Willis, and Wood.
On-line Genealogies & Histories
- Deac. Nehamiah Carpenter and Family
- Some later Foxborough Residents marriage records from Attleborough
- Moses & Martha Adams Family Association
- Pettee Family, Everett Family
- Belcher Family Accounts, 1847-1858
- Foxborough Genealogy Wiki

Events Around Foxborough
Geneaolgical Records
Genealogical Groups
Geneaolgical Libraries/Collections
Other On-line Records & Searches

Tweets from https://twitter.com/02035org/lists/genealogy
Foxborough's History And Historical Sites
- History / Home
- Cemeteries In Town
- Genealogy Information
- Historic Buildings
- Maps
- Military Service & Records
- People & Families